Asia,  India,  Itinerary

A Delhi Day Tour: from dawn ’til dusk

Ah, the bustling heart of India…is it possible to see everythink in a Delhi day tour? In an admirable (or perhaps insane) display of enthusiasm, we decided to embark on this mission, before heading to Jaipur. Our journey began on a gloomy yet warm morning of early December, as the sun hid behind a thick blanket of clouds. The best time to visit Delhi is during the winter, from December to early March. After that, Delhi becomes very hot, and it experiences the summer monsoon from June to September.


To ensure we could make the most of our time in the city we opted for a driver and defined the itinerary and the spot we wanted to cover. As usual I go for Get Your Guide and also this time I was not disappointed. Here’s the tour we bought, 8 hours with driver and guide.

We landed at 6am in the morning and by 7am we were at our Hotel Taj Mahal Delhi. After a sumptuous breakfast, we fought the jet lag and got ready to go.


And with that, our whirlwind Delhi day tour, from serene contemplation to architectural wonder, came to an end.

However, as all travelers know, sometimes the body demands rest, especially after a long, sleepless night flight. We had to skip some of Delhi’s iconic landmarks – the majestic Red Fort and the awe-inspiring Qutub Minar.

The Red Fort, known for its impressive red sandstone architecture, stands as a symbol of India’s eventful history, dating back to the Mughal era. Not too far away, the Qutub Minar, the world’s tallest brick minaret, is an architectural masterpiece and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Even though we couldn’t visit these landmarks, they remain an integral part of Delhi’s identity so I strongly suggest you to fit those two spots in your itinerary.

Delhi is a bustling metropolis, where the chaotic rhythm of modern urban life seamlessly intertwines with the vibrant hues of ancient history

The Pins in the Google map below show the spots we visited. Now your Delhi Day Tour is completed 😉

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